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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tetap Setia

... lack of support... A shared-burden of mine will be returned with doubts from people. Why should You trust me with Your heart? Why should You lead me to know Your heart for the lost souls? Why should I know that mission is the heart of the Bible and the basis for its coming into being? ... so I don't need to have these struggles, Lord. ... so I don't need to "think" and struggle of how I should respond. ... so I could live a normal life. ... so I would have more time to think about my own life. Praise be to You. ... to remind me of being faithful... to remind me of Your calling... to remind me of Your heart -- the mission. As I fixed my tearful gaze on Your picture (again), pardon me... for I always fail to love You... for not being faithful...
Selidiki aku, lihat hatiku
apakah 'ku sungguh mengasihi-Mu, Yesus
Kau yang mahatahu dan menilai hidupku
tak ada yang tersembunyi bagi-Mu
T'lah kulihat kebaikan-Mu
yang tak pernah habis di hidupku
'ku berjuang sampai akhirnya
Kau dapati aku tetap setia
Sari Simorangkir, "Tetap Setia" -- the album Forever Grateful
Help me... lead me... as this wouldn't be my last failure. You know that for sure.
... karena Allahlah yang mengerjakan di dalam kamu
baik kemauan maupun pekerjaan
menurut kerelaan-Nya.
[filipi 2:13]

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