One thing that crossed my mind when I saw the new Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" ad campaign that went viral, hhhmm... good marketing, how much of investments just for the PR agencies. LOL. Nah, I'm half-joking. Uh well I'm definitely not part of those 4% women as I don't feel beautiful in most any given days of my life.
Speaking of 'beauty', I think we all agree that our mothers have an impact in our lives as daughters. My mom too. She was a powerful role model in just how she trained me what it means to "dress well because you're a woman". She adorned me with jewellery ever since I was a child. Irritatingly disciplined me (of a phlegmatic temperament, clumsy person) that 'dress to church' has to be ready on Fridays for our helper to iron. How she reminds me several times a year 'we need to go to the tailor, cos you need a new dress'. I can't believe I survived. #jk
In spite of all her trainings, I'm afraid, I didn't show any inclination to dresses, make-ups until I left university. More to this, ironically, people seem to fail recognizing my inferiority just by looking at my outward appearance - sighs. We all do judge a book by its cover, don't we.
Dove chose a good tagline for its campaigns; it suggests how beauty is linked to as 'a source of confidence'.
It reminds me... "You need to be bold." so is said to me, given as a feedback, or, "You're God's child, you need to be more bold."
Being born again and learn about God's grace, by His grace too I came to understand of a much deeper meaning of 'confidence'. Like what is said in this email that came to my inbox a couple of days ago:
“Since we have such a hope, we are very bold” - 2 Cor 3:12
One of the themes that we see through the New Testament is the confidence that Christians ought to have. This confidence is rooted in the assurance we have that we are accepted by God, which leads to us living bold lives representing Him in the world. The ground of this confidence is due to the staggering truth of the announcement that God is for us - He has made a way to rescue us and put an end to everything that separates us from Him. As Christians, we are to be bold as we stand in God’s strength.
Now, I believe this 'boldness' has a much deeper meaning, of much greater impact than what the world offers, more than what any famous brands in this world could ever promise us - because the source of this confidence is something of eternal value.
My prayer:
Father, for now, it is still too abstract for me to understand what it means to be 'bold' in You, what are the manifestations of a 'confidence' rooted in the assurance that I'm accepted by You. You know all the fears I've been living in; may You continue Your work to break through all of them.
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