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Friday, September 12, 2008

my what-the-heck-a-country-is-this moments #1

Have you ever realized how skinny most of Singaporean ladies are? Dr. Paul even critized this once, he told me about it in one of his emails.

Yep, they are very weight-conscious. Very. With 165 tall and 45 kg weight, they would still be complaining about their look... how flabby their arms are, or how bubbly their tummy is. Geezz.

Care, our student, showed me this poem -- her homework -- and it suddenly reminded me of how "competitive" Singapore is. I despise their education system -- they classify students based on their "ranks" at each level of schooling : classes for the stupidest, the intermediate, and the brainiest. Can you imagine that?!

It creates somehow the "typical" characteristic of a Singaporean. Most of them are competitive, "acknowledgement" is highly important. And because this is a city-state, they are quite narrow-minded >*<

The competition goes physical. The skinnier, the better ^o^

The ugly child by Elizabeth Jennings I heard them say, I’m ugly. I hoped it wasn’t true. I looked into the mirror To get a better view, And certainly my face seemed Uninteresting and sad. I wish that either it was good Or else just very bad. My eyes are green, my hair is straight, My ears stick out, my nose Has freckles on it all the year, I’m skinny as a hose. If only I could look as I Imagine I might be. Oh, all the crowds would turn and bow. They don’t – because I’m me.

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