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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BBPC -- Indonesian Congregation celebrates...

GPBB, Kebaktian II 24 August 2008
We celebrated our church's 13th birthday... I'm so thankful that we learn to be a sender-church... I was touched that last Sunday we prayed for a student in our church's domestic workers' fellowship who was returning home to Indonesia. I'm so thankful that we keep on learning and striving to support financially the missions-oriented institutions.
It was a simple way to celebrate and to give thanks to the Lord... there was a birthday cake with candles and we prayed and sang our mars...

Teks: Billy Wiguna
Aransemen: Sie Musik & Ibadah

Hai G'reja Presbiterian Bukit Batok, mari bangkitlah layani Sang Raja. Ayo kita satukan langkah bersama, bekerja menuai jiwa. Tetap teguh terus bertumbuh, banyak berbeda tapi satu k'luarga. Terus maju s'bagai satu tubuh, ikut Kristus Sang Kepala G'reja. Waktu kita mungkin 'kan singkat, ingat selalu visi yang Tuhan beri: menjadi saksi, menjadi berkat, bagi Indonesia ibu pertiwi.
Selamat ulangtahun!

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